"A buxom young person," replied the doctor, "with a decidedly touchy temper.""Do you know her name?"
"Jane," said the doctor recklessly.
"Not 'Jane,'" said Garth quickly,--"Jean.I know her,--my gardener's eldest daughter.Rather weighed down by family cares, poor girl.""I saw she was weighed down," said the doctor."I did not know it was by family cares.Let us sit on this trunk.Can you call up the view to mind?""Yes," replied Garth; "I know it so well.But it terrifies me to find how my mental pictures are fading; all but one.""And that is--?" asked the doctor.
"The face of the One Woman," said Garth in his blindness.
"Ah, my dear fellow," said the doctor, "I have not forgotten my promise to give you this morning my opinion on your story.I have been thinking it over carefully, and have arrived at several conclusions.Shall we sit on this fallen tree? Won't you smoke? One can talk better under the influence of the fragrant weed."Garth took out his cigarette case, chose a cigarette, lighted it with care, and flung the flaming match straight on to Jane's clasped hands.
Before the doctor could spring up, Jane had smilingly flicked it off.
"What nerve!" thought Deryck, with admiration."Ninety-nine women out of a hundred would have said 'Ah!' and given away the show.
Really, she deserves to win."
Suddenly Garth stood up."I think we shall do better on the other log," he said unexpectedly."It is always in fuller sunshine." And he moved towards Jane.
With a bound the doctor sprang in front of him, seized Jane with one strong hand and drew her behind him; then guided Garth to the very spot where she had been sitting.
"How accurately you judge distance," he remarked, backing with Jane towards the further trunk.Then he seated himself beside Garth in the sunshine."Now for our talk," said the doctor, and he said it rather breathlessly.
"Are you sure we are alone?" asked Garth."I seem conscious of another presence.""My dear fellow," said the doctor, "is one ever alone in a wood?
Countless little presences surround us.Bright eyes peep down from the branches; furry tails flick in and out of holes; things unseen move in the dead leaves at our feet.If you seek solitude, shun the woods.""Yes," replied Garth, "I know, and I love listening to them.I meant a human presence.Brand, I am often so tried by the sense of an unseen human presence near me.Do you know, I could have the other day that she--the One Woman--came silently, looked upon me in my blindness, pitied me, as her great tender heart would do, and silently departed.""When was that?" asked the doctor.
"A few days ago.Dr.Rob had been telling us how he came across her in--Ah! I must not say where.Then he and Miss Gray left me alone, and in the lonely darkness and silence I felt her eyes upon me.""Dear boy," said the doctor, "you must not encourage this dread of unseen presences.Remember, those who care for us very truly and deeply can often make us conscious of their mental nearness, even when far away, especially if they know we are in trouble and needing them.You must not be surprised if you are often conscious of the nearness of the One Woman, for I believe--and I do not say it lightly, Dalmain--I believe her whole heart and love and life are yours.""Good Lord!" exclaimed Garth, and springing up, strode forward aimlessly.
The doctor caught him by the arm.In another moment he would have fallen over Jane's feet.
"Sit down, man," said the doctor, "and listen to me.You gain nothing by dashing about in the dark in that way.I am going to prove my words.But you must give me your calm attention.Now listen.We are confronted in this case by a psychological problem, and one which very likely has not occurred to you.I want you for a moment to picture the One Man and the One Woman facing each other in the Garden of Eden, or in the moonlight--wherever it was--if you like better.Now will you realise this? The effect upon a man of falling in love is to create in him a complete unconsciousness of self.On the other hand, the effect upon a woman of being loved and sought, and of responding to that love and seeking, is an accession of intense self-consciousness.He, longing to win and take, thinks of her only.She, called upon to yield and give, has her mind turned at once upon herself.Can she meet his need? Is she all he thinks her? Will she be able to content him completely, not only now but in the long vista of years to come? The more natural and unconscious of self she had been before, the harder she would be hit by this sudden, overwhelming attack of self-consciousness."The doctor glanced at Jane on the log six yards away.She had lifted her clasped hands and was nodding towards him, her face radiant with relief and thankfulness.
He felt he was on the right tack.But the blind face beside him clouded heavily, and the cloud deepened as he proceeded.
"You see, my dear chap, I gathered from yourself she was not of the type of feminine loveliness you were known to admire.Might she not have feared that her appearance would, after a while, have failed to content you?""No," replied Garth with absolutely finality of tone."Such a suggestion is unworthy.Besides, had the idea by any possibility entered her mind, she would only have had to question me on the point.My decision would have been final; my answer would have fully reassured her.""Love is blind," quoted the doctor quietly.
"They lie who say so," cried Garth violently."Love is so far-seeing that it sees beneath the surface and delights in beauties unseen by other eyes.""Then you do not accept my theory?" asked the doctor.