My uncle said no word,good or bad. He sat onthe top door - step and looked at us. Alan took awayhis blunderbuss. The lawyer took him by thearm and led him into the kitchen. We all followed,and looked at him. We were all pleased with ourtrick,but we felt some pity for his shame,too.
“Come ,come ,Mr Ebe ne z e r,”the lawyer said.
“Don’t be too s a d . I promis e we will ma ke thingse a s y for you. And now give us the ke ys . Torra nces ha ll bring us a bottle of your fa the r’s wine . We ’lldrink to your n e phew’s future .”
He turned to me,and took my hand.
“Mr Da vid ,”he said,“I c ongra tula te you on you rin he rita nce . I be lie ye you de s e rve it.”
Then,to Alan,“Mr Thomson,I congra tula teyou,too. Yo u a cte d ve ry we ll.”
I gave Alan my hand,and thanked him for his
help. Mr Rankeillor and my uncle went away intothe next room to talk,Torrance went to get thewine,and Alan and I lit the fire.
We made plans for Alan’s escape. There wasa Highland lawyer in Queensferry. He was an AppinStewart,and a safe man. I must see him thenext day,and give him money. He must find a shipto take Alan to France.
我 们商量好让艾伦脱逃的安排。皇后渡口镇上有一位高地的律师,出身于亚品的斯图尔特家族,人很可靠。我计划第二天去见他,给他些钱,让他务必找一条船,把艾伦送到法国。
Torrance came back with the wine. We openedthe bottle and the clerk took the cover off the basket.
Inside there was a good meal. Torrance and Alanand I sat down and ate and drank.
The lawyer and my uncle were absent for anhour. When they had agreed together,my uncle andI signed the necessary papers. My uncle had to payme the greater part of the income of the Shaws.
So now I was like the boy in the old ballad. Ihad come home to my inheritance. When I lay downthat night on a kitchen chest,I was a rich man. Alanand Rankeillor and Torrance slept well on theirhard beds beside me. But I could not sleep.
我 现在就象那首乡谣中的男孩,回到家里,继承了遗产。那天夜里,我躺在厨房里的一只箱子上时,已是一个财主了。艾伦、兰基勒和托伦斯在我旁边的硬板床上睡得又甜又香,我却一点睡意也没有。
All night I lay awake. I was thinking of my future.