


The immediate result of this was nothing.Results from such things are usually long in growing.Morning brings a change of feeling.The existent condition invariably pleads for itself.

It is only at odd moments that we get glimpses of the misery of things.The heart understands when it is confronted with contrasts.Take them away and the ache subsides.

Carrie went on, leading much this same life for six months thereafter or more.She did not see Ames any more.He called once upon the Vances, but she only heard about it through the young wife.Then he went West, and there was a gradual subsidence of whatever personal attraction had existed.The mental effect of the thing had not gone, however, and never would entirely.She had an ideal to contrast men by--particularly men close to her.

During all this time--a period rapidly approaching three years--

Hurstwood had been moving along in an even path.There was no apparent slope downward, and distinctly none upward, so far as the casual observer might have seen.But psychologically there was a change, which was marked enough to suggest the future very distinctly indeed.This was in the mere matter of the halt his career had received when he departed from Chicago.A man's fortune or material progress is very much the same as his bodily growth.Either he is growing stronger, healthier, wiser, as the youth approaching manhood, or he is growing weaker, older, less incisive mentally, as the man approaching old age.There are no other states.Frequently there is a period between the cessation of youthful accretion and the setting in, in the case of the middle-aged man, of the tendency toward decay when the two processes are almost perfectly balanced and there is little doing in either direction.Given time enough, however, the balance becomes a sagging to the grave side.Slowly at first, then with a modest momentum, and at last the graveward process is in the full swing.So it is frequently with man's fortune.If its process of accretion is never halted, if the balancing stage is never reached, there will be no toppling.Rich men are, frequently, in these days, saved from this dissolution of their fortune by their ability to hire younger brains.These younger brains look upon the interests of the fortune as their own, and so steady and direct its progress.If each individual were left absolutely to the care of his own interests, and were given time enough in which to grow exceedingly old, his fortune would pass as his strength and will.He and his would be utterly dissolved and scattered unto the four winds of the heavens.

But now see wherein the parallel changes.A fortune, like a man, is an organism which draws to itself other minds and other strength than that inherent in the founder.Beside the young minds drawn to it by salaries, it becomes allied with young forces, which make for its existence even when the strength and wisdom of the founder are fading.It may be conserved by the growth of a community or of a state.It may be involved in providing something for which there is a growing demand.This removes it at once beyond the special care of the founder.It needs not so much foresight now as direction.The man wanes, the need continues or grows, and the fortune, fallen into whose hands it may, continues.Hence, some men never recognise the turning in the tide of their abilities.It is only in chance cases, where a fortune or a state of success is wrested from them, that the lack of ability to do as they did formerly becomes apparent.

Hurstwood, set down under new conditions, was in a position to see that he was no longer young.If he did not, it was due wholly to the fact that his state was so well balanced that an absolute change for the worse did not show.

Not trained to reason or introspect himself, he could not analyse the change that was taking place in his mind, and hence his body, but he felt the depression of it.Constant comparison between his old state and his new showed a balance for the worse, which produced a constant state of gloom or, at least, depression.

Now, it has been shown experimentally that a constantly subdued frame of mind produces certain poisons in the blood, called katastates, just as virtuous feelings of pleasure and delight produce helpful chemicals called anastates.The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration.To these Hurstwood was subject.

In the course of time it told upon his temper.His eye no longer possessed that buoyant, searching shrewdness which had characterised it in Adams Street.His step was not as sharp and firm.He was given to thinking, thinking, thinking.The new friends he made were not celebrities.They were of a cheaper, a slightly more sensual and cruder, grade.He could not possibly take the pleasure in this company that he had in that of those fine frequenters of the Chicago resort.He was left to brood.

Slowly, exceedingly slowly, his desire to greet, conciliate, and make at home these people who visited the Warren Street place passed from him.More and more slowly the significance of the realm he had left began to be clear.It did not seem so wonderful to be in it when he was in it.It had seemed very easy for any one to get up there and have ample raiment and money to spend, but now that he was out of it, how far off it became.He began to see as one sees a city with a wall about it.Men were posted at the gates.You could not get in.Those inside did not care to come out to see who you were.They were so merry inside there that all those outside were forgotten, and he was on the outside.

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    漫画人生 幽默大师——方成传

    他是享誉海内外的漫画泰斗,也是新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人,其代表作《武大郎开店》已成为漫画史上的里程碑。他潜心钻研幽默三十年,成为中国系统研究幽默的第一人,其研究幽默的深度与广度,全世界至今无人企及。 他一生经历丰富,历经苦难,但他却把坎坷的一生变成了幽默的、艺术的一生。他就是幽默大师方成。本书主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。方成,中国当代最具代表性的漫画家之一,与漫画家华君武、丁聪被并称为中国“漫画界三老”。这位享誉海内外的中国新闻漫画的泰斗,一生创作了大量优秀漫画作品,于1980年在北京美术馆举办漫画展,成为新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人。他在水墨漫画的创作上做出了有力的探索,他的作品如一面时代的镜子,亦如一把社会的解剖刀,直指社会弊端。其代表作《武大郎开店》在全国引起了强烈反响。 这位老人的一生,活得很精彩,诚如凤凰卫视《名人面对面》栏目采访方成时的开场解说词所言:“一位九旬老人,用画笔影射世间百态,用幽默抚慰春夏秋冬,而他曲折的一生更是20世纪整个中国社会变迁的缩影。精神矍铄、谈笑风生,一面时代的多棱镜,一把社会的解剖刀,见证、欢笑与淡定。”《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。
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