The Thing began again its murmurings--now infinitely caressing, coaxing--like the song of a siren from some witched star! And the bell-sounds rang out--compellingly, calling--calling--calling--I saw Olaf lean far out of his place; saw, half-consciously, at Lugur's signal, three of the dwarfs creep in and take places, unnoticed, behind him.
Now the first of the figures rushed upon the dais--and paused.It was the girl who had been brought before Yolara when the gnome named Songar was driven into the nothing-ness! With all the quickness of light a spiral of the Shining One stretched out and encircled her.
At its touch there was an infinitely dreadful shrinking and, it seemed, a simultaneous hurling of herself into its radiance.As it wrapped its swirls around her, permeated her --the crystal chorus burst forth--tumultuously; through and through her the radiance pulsed.Began then that infinitely dreadful, but infinitely glorious, rhythm they called the dance of the Shining One.And as the girl swirled within its spar-kling mists another and another flew into its embrace, until, at last, the dais was an incredible vision; a mad star's Witches' Sabbath; an altar of white faces and bodies gleam-ing through living flame; transfused with rapture insupport-able and horror that was hellish--and ever, radiant plumes and spirals expanding, the core of the Shining One waxed--growing greater--as it consumed, as it drew into and through itself the life-force of these lost ones!
So they spun, interlaced--and there began to pulse from them life, vitality, as though the very essence of nature was filling us.Dimly I recognized that what I was beholding was vampirism inconceivable! The banked tiers chanted.The mighty sounds pealed forth!
It was a Saturnalia of demigods!
Then, whirling, bell-notes storming, the Shining One with-drew slowly from the dais down the ramp, still embracing, still interwoven with those who had thrown themselves into its spirals.They drifted with it as though half-carried in dreadful dance; white faces sealed--forever--into that sem-blance of those who held within linked God and devil--Icovered my eyes!
I heard a gasp from O'Keefe; opened my eyes and sought his; saw the wildness vanish from them as he strained for-ward.Olaf had leaned far out, and as he did so the dwarfs beside him caught him, and whether by design or through his own swift, involuntary movement, thrust him half into the Dweller's path.The Dweller paused in its gyrations--seemed to watch him.The Norseman's face was crimson, his eyes blazing.He threw himself back and, with one defiant shout, gripped one of the dwarfs about the middle and sent him hurtling through the air, straight at the radiant Thing! Awhirling mass of legs and arms, the dwarf flew--then in mid-flight stopped as though some gigantic invisible hand had caught him, and--was dashed down upon the platform not a yard from the Shining One!
Like a broken spider he moved--feebly--once, twice.
From the Dweller shot a shimmering tentacle--touched him --recoiled.Its crystal tinklings changed into an angry chim-ing.From all about--jewelled stalls and jet peak--came a sigh of incredulous horror.
Lugur leaped forward.On the instant Larry was over the low barrier between the pillars, rushing to the Norseman's side.And even as they ran there was another wild shout from Olaf, and he hurled himself out, straight at the throat of the Dweller!
But before he could touch the Shining One, now motion-less--and never was the thing more horrible than then, with the purely human suggestion of surprise plain in its poise--Larry had struck him aside.
I tried to follow--and was held by Rador.He was trem-bling--but not with fear.In his face was incredulous hope, inexplicable eagerness.
"Wait!" he said."Wait!"
The Shining One stretched out a slow spiral, and as it did so I saw the bravest thing man has ever witnessed.Instantly O'Keefe thrust himself between it and Olaf, pistol out.The tentacle touched him, and the dull blue of his robe flashed out into blinding, intense azure light.From the automatic in his gloved hand came three quick bursts of flame straight into the Thing.The Dweller drew back; the bell-sounds swelled.
Lugur paused, his hand darted up, and in it was one of the silver _Keth_ cones.But before he could flash it upon the Norseman, Larry had unlooped his robe, thrown its fold over Olaf, and, holding him with one hand away from the Shining One, thrust with the other his pistol into the dwarf's stomach.His lips moved, but I could not hear what he said.
But Lugur understood, for his hand dropped.
Now Yolara was there--all this had taken barely more than five seconds.She thrust herself between the three men and the Dweller.She spoke to it--and the wild buzzing died down; the gay crystal tinklings burst forth again.The Thing murmured to her--began to whirl--faster, faster--passed down the ivory pier, out upon the waters, bearing with it, meshed in its light, the sacrifices--swept on ever more swiftly, triumphantly and turning, turning, with its ghastly crew, vanished through the Veil!
Abruptly the polychromatic path snapped out.The silver light poured in upon us.From all the amphitheatre arose a clamour, a shouting.Marakinoff, his eyes staring, was lean-ing out, listening.Unrestrained now by Rador, I vaulted the wall and rushed forward.But not before I had heard the green dwarf murmur:
"There is something stronger than the Shining One! Two things--yea--a strong heart--and hate!"Olaf, panting, eyes glazed, trembling, shrank beneath my hand.
"The devil that took my Helma!" I heard him whisper.
"The Shining Devil!"
"Both these men," Lugur was raging, "they shall dance with the Shining one.And this one, too." He pointed at me malignantly.