

She led Carley along that log fence, through a huge open gate, and across a wide pen to another fence, which she scaled.Carley followed her, not particularly overanxious to look ahead.Some thick odor had begun to reach Carley's delicate nostrils.Flo led down a short lane and climbed another fence, and sat astride the top log.Carley hurried along to clamber up to her side, but stood erect with her feet on the second log of the fence.

Then a horrible stench struck Carley almost like a blow in the face, and before her confused sight there appeared to be drifting smoke and active men and running sheep, all against a background of mud.But at first it was the odor that caused Carley to close her eyes and press her knees hard against the upper log to keep from reeling.Never in her life had such a sickening nausea assailed her.It appeared to attack her whole body.The forerunning qualm of seasickness was as nothing to this.Carley gave a gasp, pinched her nose between her fingers so she could not smell, and opened her eyes.

Directly beneath her was a small pen open at one end into which sheep were being driven from the larger corral.The drivers were yelling.The sheep in the rear plunged into those ahead of them, forcing them on.Two men worked in this small pen.One was a brawny giant in undershirt and overalls that appeared filthy.He held a cloth in his hand and strode toward the nearest sheep.Folding the cloth round the neck of the sheep, he dragged it forward, with an ease which showed great strength, and threw it into a pit that yawned at the side.Souse went the sheep into a murky, muddy pool and disappeared.But suddenly its head came up and then its shoulders.And it began half to walk and half swim down what appeared to be a narrow boxlike ditch that contained other floundering sheep.Then Carley saw men on each side of this ditch bending over with poles that had crooks at the end, and their work was to press and pull the sheep along to the end of the ditch, and drive them up a boarded incline into another corral where many other sheep huddled, now a dirty muddy color like the liquid into which they had been emersed.Souse! Splash! In went sheep after sheep.Occasionally one did not go under.And then a man would press it under with the crook and quickly lift its head.The work went on with precision and speed, in spite of the yells and trampling and baa-baas, and the incessant action that gave an effect of confusion.

Carley saw a pipe leading from a huge boiler to the ditch.The dark fluid was running out of it.From a rusty old engine with big smokestack poured the strangling smoke.A man broke open a sack of yellow powder and dumped it into the ditch.Then he poured an acid-like liquid after it.

"Sulphur and nicotine," yelled Flo up at Carley."The dip's poison.If a sheep opens his mouth he's usually a goner.But sometimes they save one."Carley wanted to tear herself away from this disgusting spectacle.But it held her by some fascination.She saw Glenn and Hutter fall in line with the other men, and work like beavers.These two pacemakers in the small pen kept the sheep coming so fast that every worker below had a task cut out for him.Suddenly Flo squealed and pointed.

"There! that sheep didn't come up," she cried."Shore he opened his mouth."Then Carley saw Glenn energetically plunge his hooked pole in and out and around until he had located the submerged sheep.He lifted its head above the dip.The sheep showed no sign of life.Down on his knees dropped Glenn, to reach the sheep with strong brown hands, and to haul it up on the ground, where it flopped inert.Glenn pummeled it and pressed it, and worked on it much as Carley had seen a life-guard work over a half-drowned man.But the sheep did not respond to Glenn's active administrations.

"No use, Glenn," yelled Hutter, hoarsely."That one's a goner."Carley did not fall to note the state of Glenn's hands and arms and overalls when he returned to the ditch work.Then back and forth Carley's gaze went from one end to the other of that scene.And suddenly it was arrested and held by the huge fellow who handled the sheep so brutally.

Every time he dragged one and threw it into the pit he yelled: "Ho! Ho!"Carley was impelled to look at his face, and she was amazed to meet the rawest and boldest stare from evil eyes that had ever been her misfortune to incite.She felt herself stiffen with a shock that was unfamiliar.This man was scarcely many years older than Glenn, yet he had grizzled hair, a seamed and scarred visage, coarse, thick lips, and beetling brows, from under which peered gleaming light eyes.At every turn he flashed them upon Carley's face, her neck, the swell of her bosom.It was instinct that caused her hastily to close her riding coat.She felt as if her flesh had been burned.Like a snake he fascinated her.The intelligence in his bold gaze made the beastliness of it all the harder to endure, all the stronger to arouse.

"Come, Carley, let's rustle out of this stinkin' mess," cried Flo.

Indeed, Carley needed Flo's assistance in clambering down out of the choking smoke and horrid odor.

"Adios, pretty eyes," called the big man from the pen.

"Well," ejaculated Flo, when they got out, "I'll bet I call Glenn good and hard for letting you go down there.""It was--my--fault," panted Carley."I said I'd stand it.""Oh, you're game, all right.I didn't mean the dip....That sheep-slinger is Haze Ruff, the toughest hombre on this range.Shore, now, wouldn't I like to take a shot at him?...I'm going to tell dad and Glenn.""Please don't," returned Carley, appealingly.

"I shore am.Dad needs hands these days.That's why he's lenient.But Glenn will cowhide Ruff and I want to see him do it."In Flo Hutter then Carley saw another and a different spirit of the West, a violence unrestrained and fierce that showed in the girl's even voice and in the piercing light of her eyes.

They went back to the horses, got their lunches from the saddlebags, and, finding comfortable seats in a sunny, protected place, they ate and talked.

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