

"It seems reasonable to suppose that one of you three men attacked Mr. Cameron--either Jim Scoby, Felix, or yourself, Don Miguel. We do not know which one dealt the blow, or whether you were all in the conspiracy against him, so we are taking you back to New York for trial. The matter of treason against you can be taken up later on.""Your story is not exact, and your suppositions are forced," Don Miguel said, with a sneer, as if about to confound the conclusions of the boy with the logic of a man. "As purchasing agent for a perfectly legitimate concern, I visited that suite that night in the interest of the contract referred to by you. I was disappointed in the outcome of the negotiations, but I did not ask for the letters. They were confidential, and Mr. Cameron promised to regard them as such. When I left his office, Mr. Cameron was at work at his desk. That is all I have to say.""And I was in that suite that night," Jim Scoby broke in. "I went in with a key I had had made, for the night-lock was on. I found Cameron unconscious on the couch. Felix, the man who sits there, entered with me.

We were after the mine paper, and we got a copy of it. He will tell you whether what I have said is the truth.""What Scoby says is the truth," Felix grunted.

The three prisoners had the earnestness of men telling the truth.

They admitted having visited the Cameron suite on the night of the tragedy, and told how and why they went there. At least they gave good reasons for going, that of Don Miguel being legitimate, that of the others based on crime, for they admitted that they went there to steal a paper from the Tolford estate envelope, or, at least, to copy it.

The three admitted all that Nestor had discovered, and nothing else.

Was this because they knew that he was certain of his facts regarding the visits and the men who had made them? Anyway, there was no dispute as to the details. It was the important conclusion that was denied.

"If you found Mr. Cameron lying there unconscious," Nestor asked of Scoby, "why didn't you summon help? You had no cause for enmity against him, had you?""I wasn't there as first aid to the wounded," replied Scoby, sullenly.

"I was there on business, and in danger of being caught at it, at that.

Besides, I looked Cameron over, and thought he was out for the count and nothing more. Why don't you ask that foxy-looking guy over there,"pointing to Don Miguel, "what he done it for?"Don Miguel glared at Scoby, but said nothing.

"He says Cameron was well and hearty when he went in there. Well, Cameron wasn't well at all when he went in there, and I don't believe there was anybody in there between us. You search him for a reason.""Were the lights on when you went in there?" asked Nestor.

"Yes," was the reply.

"And you switched them off?"

Scoby nodded and glanced toward Felix, "How long was it after you left the room that Fremont came up?"Both men refused to make any definite statement as to this, and Nestor saw that they were concealing something, that he had struck a feature of the case upon which they had made no agreement as to what should be told and what kept secret.

"These men are trying to put their crime on me," Don Miguel now said, fury in his tone. "They know that I left Mr. Cameron working at his desk. They were in the corridor and saw me pass down the elevator, which was ****** its last trip at that moment. They were whispering in a corner, in sight of the door to the Cameron suite. They took advantage of circumstances to place the crime on me."This was what Nestor was aiming at. The three men, the only ones there that night, so far as he knew, were quarreling with each other. This would help in bringing out the truth. He decided to talk no more on the case for the time being.

"We ought to be looking up the boys," he said, by way of changing the subject.

"It will be daylight very soon now," Lieutenant Gordon replied, "and then something may be done. Rest assured that we shall do all we can to bring them back.""It appears to me," Nestor said, thoughtfully, "that you ought to be getting these prisoners over the river.""Yes, that is important," said the lieutenant.

"We do not know what is going on over there," the boy continued.

"The arms which this man succeeded in purchasing may be on this side, for all we know. In that case, war may break out at any moment.""Perhaps I would better start at once," agreed the lieutenant.

"Our boys over the river are prepared for a raid?" asked Nestor.

"Yes, all ready."

"Then you would better get the prisoners over before the trouble begins."He turned to Don Miguel with a smile and asked:

"How is it? Were the arms you bought delivered on this side, or did the United States troops stop them?""They were to have been sent across last night," with a grin of triumph.

"And the signal from the peak shortly after midnight?""The O.K. signal meant that the men were there ready to receive them.""Then you anticipate rescue almost immediately?" asked Lieutenant Gordon.

Don Miguel shrugged his slender shoulders.

"The hills are full of men," he said. "If they are armed--well.""And you will accompany us? asked Gordon of Nestor.

"I shall remain here and look after my friends" was the reply.

"After all, one may be able to accomplish more than half a dozen.

Get the prisoners over the border before the shooting begins, and I will find the lost boys."When the secret service men turned down the slope, Nestor moved toward the summit.

  • 台湾私法物权编


  • 杂着


  • 还丹复命篇


  • 月灯三昧经


  • 佛顶尊胜陀罗尼经


  • 邪剑步红尘


  • 碎碎念之末夏


  • 永远的闺蜜


  • 孤冢


  • 超能学霸


  • 灵点


  • 近身强少


  • 听说江湖好危险


  • 成唯倾梦彼岸花


  • 良辰美景奈何情浅

