It is related that Alaeddinchief of the police of Cous was sitting one night in his housewhen a man of comely aspect and dignified portfollowed by a servant bearing a chest upon his headcame to the door and said to one of the young men'Go in and tell the Amir that I would speak with him privily.' So the servant went in and told his masterwho bade admit the visitor. When he entered the Amir saw him to be a man of good appearance and carriage;so he received him with honourseating him beside himselfand said to him'What is thy business?'I am a highwayman,' replied the stranger'and am minded to repent at thy hands and turn to God the Most High but I would have thee help me to thisfor that I am in thy district and under thine eye. I have here a chestwherein is that which is worth nigh forty thousand dinars;and none hath so good a right to it as thou;so do thou take it and give me in exchange a thousand dinars of thy moneylawfully gotten,that I may have a little capitalto aid me in my repentance,and not be forced to resort to sin for subsistence;and with God the Most High be thy reward!' So saying he opened the chest and showed the Amir that it was full of trinkets and jewels and bullion and pearlswhereat he was amazed and rejoiced greatly.
Then he cried out to his treasurerto bring him a purse of a thousand dinarsand gave it to the highwaymanwho thanked him and went his wayunder cover of the night.
On the morrowthe Amir sent for the chief of the goldsmiths and showed him the chest and what was therein;but the goldsmith found it nothing but pewter and brass and the jewels and pearls all of glass;at which Alaeddin was sore chagrined and sent in quest of the highwayman;but none could come at him.